Skytech IT



Skytech is a software company with its head office in Cracow, Poland. The company has been started in 2011 and since that time significantly expanded. The CEO of the Skytech – Lukasz Bartos – has the international IT working experience, among others in companies like Tesla (USA), Letec (Switzerland), Oracle (Poland), Campbell’s (Mexico) or Phillip Morris (Germany).

In Skytech we both realize projects comprehensively as well as help to create effective teams as a part of bigger projects. Currently, our team members have been co-developing a nationwide rapid response system that will be implemented in all departments of Fire Service in Poland. Generally, Skytech has completed more than 32 projects in 6 countries all over the world. Skytech is a fast-growing software company that is characterized by loyalty and flexibility towards partners and clients. Our main advantage is a well-experienced and solid team whose main values are proactivity, reliability, and effectiveness.


Contact Name:

Phone Number: +48604237217

Primary Address

Przemyslowa 12, Krakow, ML, Poland 30701

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: SEO, Web Design, Digital Marketing, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, SEM, Ecommerce SEO, Enterprise SEO, Content Marketing
Founded: 2011
Revenue: $1 million
Firm Size: 10 - 49
No of Clients:40+
Client Name: S&T, Konvink, CMYK Alternative, Webcoder Solutions, Euvic, Tesla, Philip Morris International, Oracle Corporation, Campbell Soup Company
Key People:

Skytech IT - Listing in March 2025



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