Royal Rose Florist Vancouver


Royal Rose Florist Vancouver


At Royal Rose Florist, Our commitment to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction has allowed us to build lasting relationships with our esteemed clients. We take immense pride in our ability to create stunning floral designs that transcend ordinary expectations. Each arrangement is artfully crafted by our talented team of floral artisans who possess a deep understanding of the intricate language of flowers. Whether it's a glamorous bouquet for a wedding or a delicate array of blooms expressing condolences, our designers pour their heart and soul into every creation. At Royal Rose Florist, our name reflects the essence of our brand. The rose, universally recognized as a symbol of love and beauty, takes center stage in our creations. We source the finest, freshest roses from around the world, ensuring that they exude timeless elegance and breathtaking aromas. Alongside roses, we incorporate a wide variety of hand-picked flowers, each chosen for its unique qualities, colors, and textures. We understand the significance of special occasions. From birthdays to anniversaries, graduations to corporate events, our floral arrangements have the power to convey emotions and make lasting impressions. We strive to capture the essence of every celebratory moment and tailor our designs to suit a myriad of preferences and expressions.


Contact Name: N/A

Phone Number: +1 778-504-7555

Primary Address

1359 Hornby St, , Vancouver, BC , Canada V6Z 2C1

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Royal Rose Florist Vancouver - Listing in March 2025



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