Marketing Zen



The Marketing Zen Group is a full-service digital marketing firm that specializes in taking companies with promising futures and turning them into household names - and recognized titans of their industry. As a result, customers and clients flock to them and prefer them over their competitors, the media calls on them regularly, and industry insiders and influencers love them. They continue their rise to the top and get there a lot faster – and with zen-like ease.

Marketing Zen launched in 2009, and has grown to a team of over 30, serving clients from New York to Shanghai. Along the way, we’ve built a solid reputation and racked up the accolades. We have been honored by both the White House and the United Nations as one of the Top 100 companies in North America. Most importantly, our clients continue to choose to work with us. We take brands to the next level, by leveraging digital opportunities to drive meaningful results.


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Social Media

Key Facts
Services: Social Media Marketing, Video Production, Public Relations
Founded: 2009
Revenue: Under $250,000
Firm Size: 10 - 49
No of Clients:50+
Client Name: The YMCA, Texas Alliance, KD Conservatory, Haggar Clothing Co., Promax Protein Bars 
Key People:

Marketing Zen - Listing in March 2025



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