Crafting your attention to the Gucci Crossbody Bag – signifying luxury and sophistication all in one bag. Bag is made from genuine leather and has a very detailed finishing making it rather unique accessory of the collection. The interior is generous so all your daily accessories can be carried with space left to spare; the webbing and hardware add class. The Gucci Tote Bag fits the fashion world needs and demands as it is not only fashionable for every occasion but also very useful. Made for durability, this tote bag exudes the philosophy of Gucci and the brand’s passion for perfection. This tote bag is perfect for grabbing some groceries or dressing up for some gala – it will give your outfit the desired chic and strength statement.
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2235 Tavenner St, Springfield, OH 45503, USA, Las Vegas, Ohio, United States 45503
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