Gay Friendly Wedding DJs


Gay Friendly Wedding DJs


Gay-Friendly Wedding DJs is the go-to location for same-sex couples who want their wedding celebration to be one that will stand out in people\'s memories for years to come. We are going to make sure that their big day is one to remember by providing them with music and other forms of entertainment provided by our hardworking crew. We make it our mission to satisfy the needs of each and every couple by giving them an experience that is singularly crafted to match the specifications of their preferences. Your wedding day will go off without a hitch thanks to our many years of experience working in the wedding industry as well as our unyielding dedication to providing outstanding service on any and all occasions! Our event planners have vast experience managing any unanticipated scenarios, while our disc jockeys are dedicated to providing high-quality entertainment for all of our visitors. They will make sure that there are no open questions or problems left. In addition to the large range of products and services that we offer, we also provide a comprehensive range of additional services, such as lighting design, video production, and photobooths. Get in touch with us right away if you are searching for the most memorable experience possible when celebrating something. For more information, please contact us at 1300131083.


Contact Name: Gay Friendly Wedding

Phone Number: 1300131083

Primary Address

15/574 Woodville Rd, Guildford NSW, Sydney, Australia 2161

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Gay Friendly Wedding DJs - Listing in March 2025



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