Overall Feedback:
I think we will have a long and healthy relationship with Full Cortex. Full Cortex made adjustments to a platform that connects patients, labs, and testing companies that provide personalized healthcare. The project required additional software development as well. Full Cortex has helped improve the platform with each buildout, ensuring the platform is HIPAA-compliant, and increasing sales. They’re agile and have remained flexible, easily adapting to changes and new requirements. The team is responsive and they deliver on time, even under tight deadlines. Altogether, our sales have grown over the last few years. One of the things that was very important for us, because we are in healthcare, is HIPAA security. As we continued to have requests for buildouts, the programmers and developers would alert us to areas where there could be some HIPAA issues that were not well defined even in the legal system. I appreciated that Full Cortex recommended that we err on the side of caution so that what we were truly HIPAA-compliant. We continue to pivot based on the markets and aren’t building everything out that we foresee for the future. We’re purposely moving slowly on the build-out in order to maintain our budget. We see them as a long-term solution to what we have because there are so many adjustments that we will need to make over time. I think we will have a long and healthy relationship with Full Cortex. We\'ve had a few heavy deadlines and they were completely on top of them. When we pushed those deadlines up, we saw them move rapidly to try and help us deliver on time. They\'ve been extremely responsive; I would give them an A on that. We settled into a system of weekly meetings at a designated time. We would bring a wish list of capabilities. We learned that half the time, some of our ideas weren’t fully fleshed out and would have been problematic. With suggestions from Full Cortex, we were able to move ahead. They are very good at describing pitfalls and snags associated with some of the ideas that we had that we hadn’t considered. That helped us save time and avoid problems later. They put a lot of thought went into our meetings with the programmer. Each meeting included a designer who moved things along and tried to clarify things so we could avoid any miscommunication.
Any areas they could improve?
At the beginning of the project, we didn\'t have a designer and met directly with one of the managers and our developer. We became very accustomed to working directly with the developer, so now we\'re still figuring out how to work with a liaison. It is all for the better, though, because we do need to think through some of the changes we\'re requesting.