


Brand Strategy, Design and Communication


With many years experience in branding, design and communications, Richard Sauerman [The Brand Guy] and Nick Beckhurst [Mr. Nice Idea] have come together to form Brandcraft Strategy and Design. Richard is currently ranked #3 in the World\'s Top 30 Branding Gurus.


We are a branding agency. We have taken corporate branding to a new level. We use brand strategy, brand identity, and branding to transform people and businesses, and propel them into a brand new future.


When it comes to attracting, keeping, and inspiring people, money alone won’t do it. People want to be part of something that involves a cause; a purpose that offers people a chance to do work that makes a difference, and a “reason why” they should care.


They don’t want that cause to turn into the kind of predictable “mission statement” that plasters many a corporate boardroom wall. Along with the traditional [mechanical] bottom line, highly successful organisations have a second [humanistic/emotional] bottom line viz. a return on human investment that advances a larger purpose. A powerful cause that is both a magnet and a motivator.


Your brand is that powerful cause, that “reason why”, that meaning. Branding is the meaning-making machine that drives high employee fulfilment and engagement. Branding is the meaning-making machine that attracts customers and earns their trust and loyalty.


Our brand strategies are activated on the inside (Brand On the Inside) as well as in the marketplace (Brand On the Outside). That\'s because what you DO is as important as what you SAY.


Contact Name:

Phone Number: 0405 15 19 15

Primary Address

1/21 Mary Street, Surry Hills , Sydney, NSW, Australia 2010

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: SEO, Web Design, Digital Marketing, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, SEM, Ecommerce SEO, Enterprise SEO, Content Marketing, Graphic Design, Advertising, Branding
Founded: 2015
Revenue: Under $250,000
Firm Size: 2 - 9
No of Clients:40+
Client Name: CSIRO. Lifestyle Solutions. Breast Cancer Trials. GFG Alliance. Sydney Jewish Museum. Data61. JB Medical Supplies. CUBI
Key People:

Brandcraft - Listing in March 2025



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