Bianca Frank Design



Bianca Frank Design tunes in to your business. We learn. What’s more, we cherish our customers. We don’t rest until we create something meaningful and amazing. For over 10 years we have worked with entrepreneurs, owners and managers to push the brand message of their business into the market through branding, design. social media and original content.


Our holistic approach guides everything we do. Researching brand, business and audience needs to uncover the vision of your organization, and create design that communicates meaning and gives rise to movement. Memorable brands, tell great stories.


We seek to discover the true soul of an organization in order to create a visual and verbal language to inspire their audience. We also work with you to maintain that momentum in growing your brand.Web development to design, interactive to mobile, our work combines content, design and cutting-edge technology to meet your business and audience needs.


We formulate your social media presence and road map so that you leverage the growth of social engagement and stay, consistently in front of the audience that you want. 


Contact Name:

Phone Number: 907.830.2562

Primary Address

Social Media

Key Facts
Services: SEO, Web Design, Digital Marketing, PPC, Social Media Marketing, Web Development, SEM, Ecommerce SEO, Enterprise SEO, Content Marketing
Founded: 2006
Revenue: $100,000 - $200,000
Firm Size: Freelancer
No of Clients:40+
Client Name:
Key People:

Bianca Frank Design - Listing in February 2025



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