Animecosbox is a global group of anime enthusiasts dedicated to connecting fellow fans through anime-themed jewelry & accessories.
Our journey began in 2010 when our founder dreamt up the idea of materializing the spirit of our most loved anime heroes during a friendly debate about who was the strongest. This idea unites anime fans.
Animecosbox believes every anime fan has an inner hero waiting to be discovered and is dedicated to helping fans awaken that hero. We look forward to sharing a world of emotion, adventure, and heroism, creating countless epic moments together.
Our products are meticulously crafted to showcase the love for anime. We sell a variety of anime merchandise, including rings, necklaces, earrings, cosplay wigs, and many other anime accessories.
Let’s unite the world through our shared passion for anime.
Contact Name: Zhao Fazheng
Phone Number: +86 13015758135
Primary Address
Wuting Longguo International Toy & Gift Market, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China 225008
Social Media