Marketing Lessons from the COVID-19 Vaccine

Marketing Lessons from the COVID-19 Vaccine

Posted on: June 2, 2021 | Written by: Greg Benevent, Website Depot Inc.

Have you been trying to figure out how to make your business appeal to as many people as possible? Does it seem like, while you’re appropriately focused on connecting to the customers you want to connect to, that your company should do more to reach more people? Targeted advertisements are important. But, it’s important not to make your focus too narrow. That’s something our rehab, plastic surgeon, and lawyer SEO company helps with. We make certain that you’re reaching out to the folks, all of the folks, that you should be. But, there’s a great, current example of how to reach as many people as possible: the COVID-19 vaccine. After all, it’s free for everyone. It sells itself, making folks essentially immune from the worst of the virus. But, like all things, it has to be marketed. The marketing has been very effective, even as there are some people and places where fewer people have been vaccinated. Now, unlike the vaccine, odds are that you won’t be giving out your goods/services for free. But, there are plenty of lessons to learn from vaccine marketing no matter what industry you’re in. \"wd

Discounts, Raffles, and Similar Can Help

  Everyone likes to get something for free. States have had great success in reticent folks to get vaccinated for a chance at winning something. Ohio did the “Vax-a-million” lottery. West Virginia will also have a lottery for cash as well as trucks, college scholarships, and more. Here in California, we’re also doing a lottery. But, it will be open to people who have already been vaccinated, too (like me). Companies have started to do the same, too. Kroger (supermarkets) and CVS Health will give out money, free groceries, and more. This isn’t to say that your business has to do some kind of giveaway related to the vaccine. (Although, you’re certainly welcome to.) Rather, I mention this because a giveaway really is just good business. It gets people opening your emails, clicking on your social media, and so much more (including buying). Even something as small as a “Flash Sale Friday” can be a great way to boost your sales. We’ve helped so many clients to get as much as possible out of their giveaways. \"wd  

Community Outreach/Work Really Does Help Connect Your Company to the Community

  People want to do business with companies that “do good.” “Doing good,” of course, can involve donating money, time, and more. You don’t have to “brag” about it, but there’s nothing wrong with mentioning that on your socials or site, certainly. During the pandemic, there were plenty of ways to do this while also helping your business directly. For example, so many companies showed how they were making their stores/offices/etc. Safer for employees, customers, and so forth. Now, you’re seeing so many companies incentivize their employees getting the vaccine. They might get time off specifically to do it. That’s an easy way to help the community as well as your business. After all, more people are going to want to go to a business where they know they’ll be safe. It’s also a great way to be able to “hit the ground running” when your state fully opens up. For more help with growing your business, you can reach us at (888) 477-9540.   About the author: Website Depot Inc, is a full-service digital marketing agency. Website Depot was founded and incorporated in May 2012 in the state of California, with a primary office in Van Nuys. After fast and rapid growth, we have settled in Silver Lake, Los Angeles and later on Expended into Atwater Village, Los Angels, next to Glendale. As well as open several satellite locations. San Diego &  Phoenix were the first two satellite locations. Later on, we have added, Las Vegas, NV, Portland, OR, Austin, TX, SF, CA  & Brooklyn, NY.  

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