You know the basics of
SEO for lawyers. You know the fundamentals, how to get started. Perhaps you’ve already done a little bit of work setting up your SEO, or you’re re-taking your site/SEO back from a digital marketing agency that has done you wrong, or something similar.
Below are some of our more advanced tips, a very small piece of what separates the law firms who do “fine” from those who excel.

Keywords for User Intent
You already know how to do research to find the keywords that matter to your law practice.
However, what you must always keep in mind is the intent that a user has when they search for a keyword.
By capitalizing on this intent, you can create a funnel that helps to turn your SEO efforts into clients.
For example, there are many users who are looking for more information about their particular case. They want information about the situation that they’re in, what they might have to potentially do and deal with. Quite literally, they are looking to learn, to know more.
If you’re a bankruptcy lawyer, these kinds of keywords could include “Chapter 11 bankruptcy.” If you’re a personal injury attorney, “what to do after you’re in a car accident,” and so forth.
Another important kind of keyword to rank for: keywords of “discovery.” Prospective clients with this kind of intent know that they need a lawyer, and are now looking to see what services you offer. They want to see if your services can provide them with solutions.
These kinds of keywords could, depending on the law you practice, include “Chapter 11 Bankruptcy case studies,” or “personal injury attorney settlements,” and so forth.
The last type of lawyer keywords are sometimes referred to as “cash” or “money” keywords. They include specifically what you do and what you offer: “bankruptcy attorney near me,” “personal injury attorney Long Beach,” and so forth.
You don’t want to focus or fixate on just one type of keyword. Doing well in all of them can help to bring in more clients than ever before.
Additional Service Pages
While you have your one main, hub website, you also want to have additional service pages, too.
Specifically, have an additional, separate page for every single additional service you offer.
This makes sense when you think about it.
If, like a client of ours, you are a top-level personal injury attorney as well as a workers’ compensation attorney, you’re going to want to have separate pages for each.
A person who comes to you with a workers’ compensation case, for example, is going to have very different needs than someone who was just in a car accident case.
That said, then you can drill down further, and make additional pages for even more specialized services.
Again, to use our client, there are separate pages for longshoreman workers’ compensation cases, head injuries, neck injuries, carpal tunnel injuries, wrongful termination cases, and more. As a personal injury attorney, there are pages for car accidents, bus accidents, pedestrian accidents, and so many more.
Each of those pages draws in prospective clients, showing them how the firm can help.
This is true no matter what kind of law you practice.
City Pages for the Law You Practice
Additionally, one of the best ways to structure your website might seem, at first, like a bad idea.
Essentially no matter what kind of law you practice, it pays to have a separate landing page for every different city that you practice in.
If you’re a personal injury attorney in Los Angeles, for example, you could do very well by having a page that covers being a personal injury attorney in Silverlake, as well as being a personal injury attorney in Burbank, in Van Nuys, in West Hollywood, and anywhere else you have clients from.
Put the city in the URL and make sure you have entirely original, value-laden content for each of those pages. (If you copy and paste it, just changing the city name, Google, as well as your prospective clients, are going to catch on).
Wring Everything You Can From Local Search
You know how to grab and set up your Google My Business Listing.
One tip that even the best law firms miss sometimes: respond to all reviews left on your profiles. You’ll note we didn’t say “respond to some reviews,” or “respond to reviews occasionally.” No, respond to all reviews. With permission, re-purpose the best reviews on your site, in your social media, and much more.
Google My Business is incredibly important for growing your business’s reach.
That said, you also want to take care of your local citations on Brown Book, Yelp, FourSquare, the Yellow Pages, and essentially anywhere else that someone might encounter your law firm.
SEO for Lawyers Professionals
You’ll note that we spent roughly 800 words talking about “pro tips” for lawyers in regards to helping their SEO and we didn’t even get to content marketing.
That’s just how much goes into SEO.
Indeed, this is one of the major reasons that lawyers reach out to third-party, omnichannel digital marketing agencies: there’s just no way for attorneys, skilled as they are, to get everything out of their SEO that a team of professionals could.
That’s where we come in.
Our team can help your law practice to climb the rankings. Schedule a free consultation with our pros at (888) 477-9540.
About the author:
Website Depot Inc, is a full-service
digital marketing agency. Website Depot was founded and incorporated in May 2012 in the state of California, with a primary office in Van Nuys. After fast and rapid growth, we have settled in Silver Lake, Los Angeles and later on Expended into Atwater Village, Los Angels, next to Glendale. As well as open several satellite locations.